środa, 8 października 2008


Aby wszystko bylo chronologicznie zaczne od zdjec z Barcelony w 2006.Troche stare te fotki no ale blog ma byc o podrozach i relacjach zdjeciowych.
Just to make it chronologically I start from my pictures from trip to Balcelona in 2006.Those are a little bit old but it should be travel & photography blog so ....

Sagrada Familia by Antonio Gaudi

4 komentarze:

Maureramix pisze...

hehe, I am living in Barcelona ... :-) Recognize the places you took the fotos in! Nice!

magda karpowicz pisze...

O really!!! Are you living in Barcelona? That's lovely. That's the best city in Europe for me.Really really nice.Love it. :)

Maureramix pisze...

Yes :-) Moved here 1,5 years ago.. can really recommend it, so when you come back let me know!

magda karpowicz pisze...

ok :) I'm gonna to visit that city again for sure.